Then on Saturday our preseason wrapped up with the Alumni game. These games are always much less intense and usually a lot of fun. Our first team started and even with the alums playing a man up, we went up 2-0 in the first two minutes. Coach was pleased that we scored quickly and efficiently and we were done for the game. It was good to get some of the other guys some time on the field, although they honestly didn't play all that well. It seems like they are still trying to adjust to the college game which can take a while. Then after the game, we feasted on a great tailgate put together by the alumni and parents. The tailgates are some of the best food we get all year especially since the cafeteria is subpar, but no need to complain.
Then Sunday was our first day off, but I went for a light run and got a good lift in with Josh Barrett. I think it's good to stay loose and lift occasionally during the season just to maintain some strength. Today we have practice in the evening which will be leading up to our first regular season game on Friday against Dickinson. We have been looking forward to this matchup since last spring, and we are looking to go out and dominate them. I'm very excited for the game and glad MammaZimm and Nelson will be able to make it for the game.
Today was also the first day of classes. So far, so good. I have two professors that I have already had, which is always a good thing, and all of them seem to be good teachers. One of my tougher classes will be Math 309 which is probability and statistics in engineering. I haven't taken a statistics class before so that material may be somewhat tough not seeing it before. We shall see. I'm ready to get into my routine and the first week is just always a little hectic. So now Sophomore year has officially begun classes and all!