Friday, August 24, 2012

Orientation and Preseason

I am both mentally and physically tired right now.  Up at 5 am, practice, followed by orientation meetings all day followed right by practice in the afternoon, back to shower by 5 pm and then out with the team tonight for some bonding starting at 6.  I could really just use a day off and some much needed sleep.

Today's morning practice was solid.  Not much to report.  Orientation is just not the most important thing to me right now but I have to do certain things to get settled.  I confirmed my first semester's schedule with my advisor and have met with the Honors Program advisor also.  I feel more comfortable about my class selection which is good.  This afternoon's practice was again disappointing.  I just keep giving the ball up too much.  That's what I really need to focus on and just relax and stop worrying about my mistakes.  It still just gets in my head and I just need to posses the ball more.  I'm still just trying to get used to the feel of the play.

I'm about to head out for some team bonding.  No one really knows what we are about to do, but in the past they've done some sort of scavenger hunt through the city, but i've heard rumors that we're going bowling tonight.. Haha it would be fun.  We'll see.

Best of luck to Michael tonight as CNU is taking of Hampden Sydney at home under the lights.  I'm sure he'll do well.

That's about it for today.  Looking forward to the weekend and getting Sunday off from practice.



  1. Hang in there T. Keep steady and don't worry too much. Coach sees new guys come in every year. He knows it's a struggle getting up and running. Just keep working and all will fall into place. You're a good player and you're prepared.

  2. Yes the best advice I have to offer is just be forward thinking mentally - don't reflect too much on each practice, especially when it comes to mistakes - just keep looking forward to the next one - its a long long season and you'll adapt well - good work in the alumni game, looking forward to reading that post
