Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Second Day of Preseason: George Mason

I just completed the second day of preseason.  It has been a very tough couple of days.  After last nights team scrimmages that lasted til 10:30, we had to be back on the field at 6:00 am this morning.  Today's fitness test was the Beep Test.  This is running a distance of 20 yards back and forth and having to beat a programed beep in a certain amount of time.  Today, the group M-Z went first.  To pass the minimum fitness test, we had to get to level 11.  It's hard to explain the whole thing but it starts relatively slow to wear you out and then it gets faster and faster.  Long story short, I was the last remaining person to keep going in my group.  Level 14 is the "Champions Club" and I was the only one in my group to make it that far and then I stopped because I thought it ended there.  I probably could've kept going but Champions Club was my goal and I accomplished it.  In the second group, A-L, only two upper classman lasted as long as I did and then just stopped where I did as well.  I was very pleased with my showing in that fitness test.

Practice followed the test and I had another solid showing.  Not much to report after that training.

Then tonight we played George Mason at their place.  They are D1 while we are D3.  Their facilities were really nice with a perfect pitch exclusive for soccer and stands that are comparable to our football stands.  It was a good experience.  We played three thirty minutes thirds.  The starters for both teams played the first 30 minutes and we did not fare very well to say the least.  They were up five zero by the end of 30 minutes.  They have also been playing since the 9th of August while this was just our second day as a team.  I started and played all of the last thirty minutes in the game.  I was not very pleased with the amount of people that entered before me but I made use of my time.  I was going up against the starting left back for Mason and I beat him a couple times and won the ball from him as well.  After about four of the upper classman said I did a good job and to keep it up tomorrow.  I hope to move up in the lineup.  We shall see.

In general, the school has been really awesome.  On the bus ride to the game we passed directly by the Washington Monument, Capitol Building, and the Pentagon.  The nicest part is that the campus is relatively isolated from the city which gives it a great feel and still all the opportunities of the city.  I look forward to the rest of the semester here.

That's about it for the day.  I'm exhausted and it's only 10:00.  Gotta be back on the field tomorrow at 6:00 for the Manchester United Test I believe.  Later that day we are taking the bus to go play Hamden Sydney.  They are D3 as well and should give us a better feel to how the season will go.

More updates to come


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